

  CHIA SEEDS C hia seeds have a smooth, shiny appearance and are tiny, flat, oval-shaped, and shaped. White, brown, or black are some of their color options (2). These seeds are quite adaptable. They can be used in baked products, yogurt, salads, pudding, porridge, baked goods, and porridge after being soaked. Chia seed plant : Chia seeds are the edible seeds of  Salvia  his panica , a flowering plant in the mint family (Lamiaceae) native to central and southern Mexico, or of the related Salvia columbaria of the southwestern United States and Mexico. BENEFITS OF CHIA SEEDS : HEALTH: Chia seeds are a great source of fiber, which helps to maintain digestive health, lower cholesterol levels , and improve heart health. Fiber can aid in weight loss and lower your chances of getting diabetes or heart disease since it takes longer to digest and keeps you fuller for longer. BEAUTY: 1. Loaded with Anti-oxidants: Chia seeds are also an excellent source of  antioxidan...


Aloe Vera There are many other types of aloe plants, but only aloe vera is able to benefit you on the inside and out. The only aloe that can be eaten is aloe vera. Despite being a native of the Arabian Peninsula, aloe vera plants are found all over the world. For thousands of years, this shrubby, pointed plant has been grown for its calming gel. Aloe vera gel has benefits beyond treating skin problems. Aloe vera juice may be made by blending it with water and is packed with nutrients.            Describe Aloe Vera : The gel found in aloe plants is called aloe vera. For thousands of years, people have used it to soothe and soften the skin. Aloe has also long been used as a traditional remedy for a variety of illnesses, such as skin problems and constipation. Aloe vera has been the subject of conflicting studies in the present, with some finding that it can give lab animals cancer. Aloe vera cannot be consumed naturally; it must be consumed as a supplement or...


Since there will be no other prophet after Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), A llah revealed the Quran to him for the benefit of all humanity throughout all of time. All peoples of the world are cautioned by the Law of Requital in the Quran: [44:4] فِيهَا يُفْرَقُ كُلُّ أَمْرٍ حَكِيمٍ - All topics have been clearly distinguished (from the incorrect ones) in the Quran, which includes the heavenly revelation; truth has been distinguished from deception. A t a period when the earth was wrapped in darkness and without the light of revelation, we revealed this Quran with eternal values and principles. As a result, the night the revelation began marked the start of a new period that clearly distinguished humanistic permanent values from physical, relativistic ones. Animals live solely on a material basis, as opposed to humans. They don't need to live by absolute standards. An animal, for instance, cannot tell the difference between his owner's farm and other farms when it comes to getting his...

ISLAM and Modern Sciences

 Islam values guarantee "information on reality put together not with respect to reason alone, but rather additionally on disclosure and motivation". The goals of current science go against these perspectives and numerous reactions of present-day science come from the worth frameworks that a few present-day researchers maintain. The relation between Islam and Science Muslims as often as possible portrayed science and their religion as related, as opposed to isolate, ideas. They frequently said that their heavenly text, the Quran, contains numerous components of science.  The Standard Model (SM) gives the hypothetical system through which expectations can be advanced to be tried tentatively; it is inside the worldview of the SM that the Higgs-like boson has turned into a reality. A worldview is, as per the history specialist and scholar of science Thomas Kuhn, most importantly, an object of agreement; it can subsequently be disposed of and supplanted by another worldv...


  Validation (drug manufacture) Article   Talk Language Watch Edit Learn more This article includes a list of general  references , but  it lacks sufficient corresponding  inline citations .  ( May 2013 ) Validation  is the process of establishing documentary evidence demonstrating that a procedure, process, or activity carried out in testing and then production maintains the desired level of compliance at all stages. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is very important that in addition to final testing and compliance of products, it is also assured that the process will consistently produce the expected results. The desired results are established in terms of specifications for outcome of the process. Qualification of systems and equipment is therefore a part of the process of validation. Validation is a requirement of food, drug and pharmaceutical regulating agencies such as the US FDA and their  good manufacturing practices  guidelines. Si...